In 2013, a young man named Omar Faishal, established a start-up designer wear manufacturing unit along with a few employees. After two years of work experience in this field, he gained a lot of trust and liabilities for consumers and decided to open a physical shop in Banani. His main attention was the designer bridal and groom collections as he achieved exponential success in this industry.

Bridal Collection

Every girl wants to get elegant bridal wear for her special day which must have to suit her. JK Foreign Brands also believes that every bride deserves a beautiful outfit on her wedding day. Here, you will find glittering seeds of inspiration for every aspect of your upcoming wedding. We are always there for you while choosing the right outfit.

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Let’s start a new journey together!

From the world’s greatest designers, we
feature the most elegant, romantic,and
sophisticated collections.

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Groom Collection

It’s our basic thinking that men may not be concerned about wedding outfits! But it’s also a great surprise for some of us that young generation’s boys are becoming interested in wedding fashions and trends. Now they are looking for an exclusive and elegant sherwani or a classy suit from JK Foreign Brands. They can also go for custom designs from us.

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Our Collection

Sherwani & Printed Coat
Koti Set
Men’s Suit
Semi Bridal Collection
Haldi Wear
Ladies Party Wear
Ladies Unstitched Wear

It’s an Experience

Where finding your wedding dress are enjoyable, effortless, and simple.
Visit us to create the perfect appearance for your special day.

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